Ar Tonelico II es mi juego más esperado hasta la fecha; y aunque se retrasó hasta enero, esperaba que fuera para arreglar todos los problemas que tenía. Sin embargo, parece que mis esperanzas fueron en vano, ya que desde que se lanzó el site oficial ayer, no he visto más que los de NISA ignoraron todas las sugerencias que hicimos respecto a la traducción; y lo que es peor, añadieron más errores a la lista:
Nota: Antes de leer esto; y decirme alguna idiotez como "vete a jugar la versión japonesa si tanto te importa"; tomar en cuenta que ya me terminé la versión japonesa; que puedo leer japonés; y además, que estoy traduciendo en estos momentos la información de los libros oficiales de Ar Tonelico que publicó GUST, así que no traten de pasarse de listos conmigo.
Rakshak (la ciudad en la que vive Luca) --> Rakshek (¿Y planean cambiarle el nombre a de Raksha a Rakshe a la sacerdotisa que la fundó? Parece que los de NISA se volvieron locos con el cambio de letras entre esto y Replekia)
Truelywaath (el apellido de Luca) --> Truelyworth (este error es imperdonable con creces, ya que "waath" significa resurrecitar o revivir en Hymmnos; y tiene bastante peso en la historia del juego).
Latel Pastalie (el apellido de Chroche) --> Leythal Pastalia (aunque el Latel --> Leythal no me importa mucho, el cambio de Pastalie a Pastalia si lo es, ya que Pastalie es el nombre del linaje de sacerdotisas al que pertenece Chroche; y además, es el nombre del dialecto Hymmnos que usan las Reyvateil IPD para usar sus magias e Hymmnos (el dialecto se llama Nuevo Testamento de Pastalie).
Pepen --> Pippen (Aunque no me importa mucho, ya me estoy hartando de la estupidez que tienen los de NISA de inventarse romanizaciones cuando ya las tienen hechas en todas partes en la versión japonesa original).
Musume Power/Powered (el sistema de usar a las IPD como equipamentos) --> Hymn Code (este es definitavemente el PEOR error que he visto hasta ahora en la traducción del juego. ¿¡Como rayos se les ocurre poner algo así si los dos términos no están conectados de ninguna manera; y además, dañan por completo lo que ellos mismos dijeron sobre que las Reyvateil de Tercera Generación no poseen Hymn Codes!?)
Como pueden ver, cada vez estoy más decepcionado con el trabajo de NISA; y si no lo arreglan, de seguro van a tener una lluvia de fans furiosos por las horrendas traducciones que están haciendo.
Ar Tonelico II is my most awaited game to the date, and even if it was delayed until January; I expected that the delay was to fix any problem the game might have. However, it looks like my hopes were in vain, since NISA has ignored all the suggestions and corrections we did about their translations, and even worse, they are adding more errors to the list:
Note: Before reading this, and telling me something stupid like "go and play the JP version if it annoys you so much", take in account that I have already finished the JP versión, that I can read Japanese and, above all, I'm currently translating the information from the Ar Tonelico official books that were published by GUST, so don't try to play smart with me.
Rakshak (the city were Luca lives) --> Rakshek (And now they are planning to change the name from Raksha to Rakshe to the Priestess that founded it? It looks like the NISA guys are crazy changing letters between some names)
Truelywaath (Luca's surname) --> Truelyworth (another unforgivable error, since "waath" means revive or resurrect in Hymmnos, and has a lot of importance in the game's story).
Latel Pastalie (Chroche' s surname) --> Leythal Pastalie (though I don't care too much about the Latel --> Leythal change, I do care about the Pastalie to Pastalia one, since Pastalie is the name of the lineage of priestesses to which Chroche belongs, and also, is the name of the Hymmnos dialect used by the IPD Reyvateils for the casting of their magic and Hymmnos (the dialect is called New Testament of Pastalie).
Pepen --> Pippen (Even if don't care about this much, I'm beginning to get weary of the stupidness that the NISA translators have to make up romanizations when they have got them around all the place in the original JP version).
Musume Power/Powered (the equip IPD system) --> Hymn Code (this is definitely the WORST error I have seen until now in the translation of the game. How the heck they can think about writing something like this is both terms aren't related in any way, and also, they destroy totally what themselves said in Ar Tonelico I about Third Generation Reyvateils not having Hymn Codes!?)
As you all can see, each time I'm more disappointed with NISA's work, and if they don't fix it, they are going to have a horde of raging fans because of the horrid translations they are making.
[ALBUM REVIEW] 志方あきこー CaTra
Hace 7 años
4 comentarios :
I'm particularly annoyed about the Hymn Code thing. I intend on getting the word out to my non-forum friends who play AT, if this persists, that this is a translation error and that they shouldn't believe that Third Gens have Hymn Codes. Way to nuke the series canon, guys.
Yeah, and please do it. We need to raise awareness about these errors, with Musume Power being the one with top priority (followed by the Hymmnos-mauling localizations).
I did go telling people. I also said that if people want I'll send them notes on everything that's been mistranslated (compiled from what you and Lazy said) so they know the real translations as they go through the game.
Ok, this at least will make people aware of the situation, the rest is sending the mails and posting in NISA's forums, so let's see if we can do a difference in regards to AT2 localization.
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