調和~泡沫の子守唄~ Chouwa ~Utakata no Komoriuta~
(Harmony ~Lullaby of the Bubbles~/Harmonía ~Canción de Cuna de las Burbujas~)
Composition & Arrangement/Composición y Arreglos: Akiko Shikata
Lyrics/Letra: Akiko Shikata & Tomoko Shinoda
母なる海へ 波は寄せて返す
優しきゆりかごに 命は芽吹く
hahanaru umi e nami wa yosetekaesu
yasashiki yurikago ni inochi wa mebuku
From and to the motherly Ocean, the waves come and go
In its gentle cradle, the lives sprout
Desde, y hacia el maternal Oceáno, las olas van y vienen.
En su gentil cuna, las vidas retoñan.
Original Translation/Traducción Original: Lazy/hYEmmAr
2 comentarios :
hey looks like you left some words in the very first of the song there was some words before the japanese one
Unfortunately, these were the only lyrics revealed in the booklet. The choruses you're talking about are in a constructed language, so there's nothing I could have done about them.
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