Bueno, aquí tenemos la letra de otro himno, esta vez para Ar Tonelico II, cuya función es servir de conexión a Frelia para que la cantante pueda tomar prestados sus poderes.
Lyrics/Letra: Reiko Takahashi
Composed & Arranged/Composición y Arreglos: Takashige Inagaki
Vocal & Chorus/Vocales y Coro: Haruka Shimotsuki
Rrha ki ra nha_HYMMNOS/1x01 >> pat mea en xest SOL=MARTA > A2.
Rrha ki ra nha_HYMMNOS/1x01 >> pat mea en xest SOL=MARTA > A2.
I'll input the [(Variable) Hymmnos] (in myself), and release it through the second Alpha (Frelia) via Sol Marta
Introduciré la [(Variable) Hymmnos] (en mí); y la liberaré a través de la segunda Alfa (Frelia) via Sol Marta.
Rrha ki ga gran wael wassa
Rrha ki ga gran wael wassa
I've opened the curtain to the joyous festival!
¡He abierto la cortina al alegre festival!
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
踊れや謳えや 魂を捧げや
odore ya utae ya tama o sasage ya
Dance, sing! Devote your soul!
¡Baila, canta! ¡Ofrece tu alma!
天つ少女よ 舞い続ぎ給え
amatsu otome yo mai tsugi tamae
Celestial maiden that resides in the Heavens, please continue dancing for us!
¡Doncella celestial que resides en los Cielos, por favor continua danzando para nosotros!
Rrha ki ra frissoner mea spiritum
Rrha ki ra frissoner mea spiritum
My soul is shaking
Mi alma esta temblando
Rrha ki ra wael hymme mea spiritum
Rrha ki ra wael hymme mea spiritum
My soul is happy to sing
Mi alma está feliz de cantar
踊れや謳えや 魂を捧げや
odore ya utae ya tama o sasage ya
Dance, sing! Devote your soul!
¡Baila, canta! ¡Ofrece tu alma!
斎を受けし この身の宿命
itsuki o ukeshi kono mi no sadame
My self is fated to receive the purification
Mi ser está destinado a recibir la purificación
ware, mera wa masumi no kagami
My eyes are clear mirrors of truth
Mis ojos son claros espejos de la verdad
Rrha ki ra sarrifis mea noes, tes inferiare saash
Rrha ki ra sarrifis mea noes, tes inferiare saash
I'll offer myself as a sacrifice to our beloved Goddess
Me ofreceré a mí misma como un sacrificio a nuestra amada Diosa
ware, koe wa hikimekabura ni
I'll make my voice into a purifying ceremonial whistle
Haré de mi voz un silbato ceremonial purificador
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
I'll continue the joyous festival
Continuaré el alegre festival
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
I'll continue the joyous festival
Continuaré el alegre festival
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
ururu oto ni mi o yudanete
I'll entrust myself to the flowing sounds
Me entregaré a los sonidos que fluyen
流る 身は
uru mi wa
Entrust to the sounds...
Entregar a los sonidos...
Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash
Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash
I'll offer my feelings to the Goddess
Le ofreceré mis sentimientos a la Diosa
さぁ、馨し 秘薬を手に
saa, kaguwashi hiyaku o te ni
Come now, let's obtain the fragrant nostrum
Vayamos, obtengamos la fragante medicina secreta
さすらう 秘薬を手に
sasurau hiyaku o te ni
Let's roam and obtain the nostrum
Erremos y obtengamos la medicina secreta
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
I'll continue the joyous festival
Continuaré el alegre festival
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
I'll continue the joyous festival
Continuaré el alegre festival
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
祈れや謳えや 魂を癒せや
inore ya utae ya tami o iyase ya
Pray! Sing! Heal the souls!
¡Reza! ¡Canta! ¡Sana las almas!
耳を劈く 呪詛 解き給え
mimi o tsumisaku juso toki tamae
Pierce the ears and please bestow us release from all curse!
¡Atraviesa los oídos y por favor otorgános liberación de toda maldición!
Rrha ki ra frissoner mea spiritum
Rrha ki ra frissoner mea spiritum
My soul is shaking
Mi alma esta temblando
Rrha ki ra wael hymme mea spiritum
Rrha ki ra wael hymme mea spiritum
My soul is happy to sing
Mi alma está feliz de cantar
祈れや謳えや 魂を癒せや
inore ya utae ya tama o iyase ya
Pray! Sing! Heal the souls!
¡Reza! ¡Canta! ¡Sana las almas!
市子になりし この身に鎮め
ichiko ni narishi kono mi ni shizume
Bestow calm upon me and make me your medium
Otórgame la calma y haz de mí tu médium
ware, yasuraka ni hitomi toji
I'll gently close my eyes
Cerraré suavemente mis ojos
Rrha ki ra sarrifis mea noes,tes inferiare saash
Rrha ki ra sarrifis mea noes,tes inferiare saash
I'll offer myself as a sacrifice to our beloved Goddess
Me ofreceré a mí misma como un sacrificio a nuestra amada Diosa
ware, rinne no uzu ni nomare
And allow myself to be absorbed into the swirl of reincarnation
Y me dejaré absorber por el remolino de la reeencarnación
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
I'll continue the joyous festival
Continuaré el alegre festival
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
I'll continue the joyous festival
Continuaré el alegre festival
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
真の天禄 御魂と交じりて
makoto no tenroku mitama to majirite
Intertwining with the grand soul of the true heavenly guardian beast
Entrelazándome con la gran alma de la verdadera bestia guardiana celestial
天つみ空へと 寂滅し給え
amatsumi sora e to jakumetsushi tamae
Please, grant me the nirvana that will let me ascend to the heavenly skies
Por favor, otórgame el nirvana que me permitirá ascender a los sacros cielos
Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash,
Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash,
I'll offer my feelings to the Goddess
Le ofreceré mis sentimientos a la Diosa
en shen titilia mea spiritum
en shen titilia mea spiritum
and then, my little soul will turn into light
Y entonces, mi pequeña alma se convertirá en luz
柔らかな 土の匂い
yawarakana tsuchi no nioi
Soon, I'll clad myself
Pronto me cubriré
やがて 着く
yagate haku
in the soft soil's odor
con el suave olor del suelo...
Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash,
Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash,
I'll offer my feelings to the Goddess
Le ofreceré mis sentimientos a la Diosa
さぁ、仰ぎ見る 空光り
saa, aogimiru sora hikari
Come, let's look up at the skylight
Ven, miremos a la luz celestial
醒め行けば 空光り
sameyukeba sora hikari
Once I wake up, it'll be at the skylight
Cuando despierte, estaré en la luz celestial
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
I'll continue the joyous festival
Continuaré el alegre festival
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
I'll continue the joyous festival
Continuaré el alegre festival
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
I'll continue the joyous festival
Continuaré el alegre festival
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa
I'll continue the joyous festival
Continuaré el alegre festival
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea
I'll become a Song
Me volveré una canción
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
I'll pray for your sake
Rezaré por tu bien
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
And to become a Song, that is my greatest happiness!
¡Y volverme una canción, esa es mi suprema felicidad!
Rrha ki ra parge_HYMMNOS/1x01 anw SOL=MARTA > A2.
Rrha ki ra parge_HYMMNOS/1x01 anw SOL=MARTA > A2.
I'll disconnect the [(Variable) Hymmnos] from the second Alpha(Frelia) via Sol Marta
Desconectaré la [(Variable) Hymmnos] de la segunda Alfa (Frelia) via Sol Marta.
Como pueden ver, es un himno de lo más extraño.
[ALBUM REVIEW] 志方あきこー CaTra
Hace 8 años
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