Versión en Español:
Día 1:
Partimos desde Maracay a las 11:00 am y salimos con rumbo al pueblo de Santo Domingo, en el Estado Mérida. Fue un viaje largo; y atravesamos los Estados Carabobo, Cojedes, Portuguesa y Barinas en el camino.
Nos paramos a comer por un momento en el pueblo de Acarigua, en el Estado Portuguesa, pero las cachapas y el queso estaban horribles, ya que eran demasiado delgados y les pusieron demasiada mantequilla.
Alrededor de las 6:15 pm llegamos al pueblo de Barinitas, ubicado en el Estado Barinas; y a partir de allí empezamos nuestro ascenso por la cordillera andina. 45 minutos después, llegamos a la posada Los Angeles, la cual es administrada y es propiedad de una familia amiga nuestra. Hacía frío, pero no tanto como esperabamos; y la posada había recibido muchas mejoras desde la última vez que habiamos ido, hace año y medio, ya que le habían agregado restaurante. Después de cenar, nos fuimos directo a dormir.
Día 2:
Nos levantamos a eso de las 9:00 am y después de desayunar un par de empanadas de carne y comprar algunos dulces, partimos con rumbo a la cota de carretera más alta de Venezuela, el Pico El Águila, a 4000 m.s.n.m. (metros sobre el nivel del mar). Hacia mucho frío allá arriba (alrededor de 8 C°); y además, por la altura, el solo hecho de caminar era extenuante. Después de una breve parada, partimos hacia el pueblo de Piñango, ya que nos habían dicho que en la vía hasta allí era el único lugar donde podríamos hallar nieve, pero a mi no me hizo gracia que tuvieramos que tomar esa vía, ya que había oído que la carretera hasta allá era pésima y bastante peligrosa. De cualquier, forma el paisaje de los valles y abismos que se ve por esa horrenda carretera es espectacular (chequeen las fotos para que vean). A mitad de camino, encontramos una subida en la que había bastante gente reunida; y vaya sorpresa que nos llevamos... ¡porque estaban agarrando nieve!
Nosotros también subimos y vaya experiencia... por primera vez en mi vida pude sentir, tocar y jugar con la nieve... Ah, jamás olvidaré esto... (Y tampoco que mi papá hizo una locura y casi le tiró un bloque de nieve a mi mamá; supuestamente jugando...)
Después de un rato jugando con la nieve, seguimos nuestro camino por el valle hasta Piñango, pero mi asombro se convirtió en estrés cuando dejamos atrás el valle y empezamos el descenso; ya que se confirmaron mis temores con la carretera: era extremadamente estrecha (solo cabía un vehículo en ella), era bastante escabrosa y en algunos puntos ni siquiera estaba asfaltada (apenas solo estaban las guías de asfalto para los neumaticos); y estaba aterrado porque por un lado teníamos el muro de roca de la montaña; y por el otro, a unos pocos centimetros, un abismo blanco por la niebla.
Después de 2 tortuosas horas bajando por ese horror de vía, llegamos hasta el pueblo, que francamente no valío la pena: solo era un pueblo de una sola calle; y todo estaba cerrado a la hora a la que llegamos (3:30 pm). Nos paramos 10 minutos a ver si había algo y luego, nos regresamos de nuevo por donde llegamos (la carreterita espantosa, vaya que los himnos de Sublimation, Sphilia y Harmonious quedaron apropiados para la situación), no tuvimos tiempo de revisar más nada porque a mi papá no le gustaba nada la idea de que estuvieramos transitando por esa horrible vía de noche (¿Y a quien le gustaría eso?).
Dato curioso: el cementerio de Piñango esta justo en la entrada; y se dice que es porque espera a los conductores imprudentes.
Regresamos al Pico El Águila a eso de las 6:30 pm, ya que hubo una tranca porque algunos idiotas se estacionaron mal para ir a tocar la nieve.
Regresamos al pueblo de Santo Domingo a eso de las 7:00 pm; y nos fuimos directo a dormir porque la travesía nos agotó por completo.
Día 3:
Nos levantamos a eso de las 11:30 am; y no salimos porque mi papá se empeñó en hacer barbacoa y pizza. Solo salimos a la truchicultura que estaba cerca de la posada, ya que mi hermana quería alimentar a las truchas. Yo me la pasé molestandola con el recuerdo de que la última vez, por ponerles muy cerca la mano para alimentarlas, la terminaron mordiendo. Después de una hora, regresamos a la posada y mi papá empezó a preparar la comida. ¿Y yo que hice mientras tanto?
Ponerle punto y final a mi última partida de Ar Tonelico (me llevé mi PS2 conmigo); y seguir avanzando en Mana Khemia. El escuchar Harmonious y Phantasmagoria allí fue una verdadera experiencia (aunque claro, creo que solo fue por mi, que ansiaba ese momento, en mi lugar favorito y terminando mi juego favorito por última vez). En Mana Khemia solo pude llegar hasta el final del capítulo 5, pero la pizza y la barbacoa valieron la pena la espera, ya que quedaron excelentes (¡A pesar de que mi papá también tuvo que hacer pizza para todo el restaurante de posada!)
Después de comer, solo nos fuimos a dormir, para prepararnos para el día siguiente, que sería nuestro viaje de regreso.
Día 4:
Nos levantamos a las 9:30. Después de desayunar, nos tomamos unas fotos con nuestros amigos de la posada y luego, nos despedimos. Partimos a las 11:30 am y regresamos a Maracay a eso de las 8:00 pm.
Y eso fue todo. Lástima que no pudimos subir al Teléferico de Mérida ni pudimos bajar a la Ciudad de Mérida (ambos por diversos problemas), pero igual, el viaje valío la pena por el solo hecho de haber podido conocer la nieve.
English Version:
Day 1:
We departed from the city of Maracay at 11:00 am, with the town of Santo Domingo as destination, in the Mérida State. It was a long journey, and we traversed the Carabobo, Cojedes, Portuguesa and Barinas States in the way.
We stopped for a moment in the town of Acarigua, in the Portuguesa State, to eat the lunch, but the cachapas (flat corn pancakes) and the cheese were very bad, because they were very slim, and the cooks put too much butter in it.
Around 6:15 pm we arrived a the town of Barinitas, located in the Barinas State; and from there, we begun our ascension through the Andes mountain range. 45 minutes later, we arrived at the Santo Domingo town, and in there, to the Los Angeles inn, which it's owned and managed by a family that is friend of ours. It was very cold in there, but not much as I thought it was going to be, and the inn was improved from our last visit, around half and a year ago, because they added a restaurant to it. After the dinner, we went directly to sleep.
Day 2:
We woke up around 9:00 am, and after having some empanadas (stuffed pastries) as breakfast, we departed with the highest highway in Venezuela as our destination, the Pico El Aguila (Eagle's Peak), at 4000 AMSL.
Up there it was very cold (around 8 C°), and because of the altitude, even walking was a real chore.
After a brief stop in there, we departed to the town of Piñango, since we were told that in the road to there it was the only area where we could still find snow, but for me the idea of going there wasn't funny in the slightest, since I heard before that the highway to there was in very bad conditions and was very dangerous. Anyways, the landscape that is formed by the valleys and gorges that are seen in that horrendous highway is really spectacular (check out the photos I posted below). At halfway, we found a slope where a lot of people was gathered, and my, what a surprise we found... Because they were grabbing snow!
We also went up... and man... what a experience... for the first time in my life, I could sense, touch and play with the snow... Ah, I will never forget this... (and neither the thing that my dad made a craziness and almost threw a solid block of snow to my mom, supposedly playing with her...)
After a while playing with the snow, we continued our way through the valley to Piñango, but my amazement turned into stress when we left behind the valley and begun the descent, since my fears with the highway were confirmed: it was extremely narrow (only a vehicle fitted in it), it was very rugged and in some areas it wasn't even asphalted (there were only asphalt guides for the tires); and I was scared since we had at one side the rock wall of the mountain, and in the other side, at only a few centimeters, a white abyss, because of the mist.
After 2 tortuous hours descending by that horror of road, we arrived to the town, but it wasn't worth the effort: Piñango it's only a one-street town, and all establishments were closed at the time we arrived (3:30 pm). We stopped in there 10 minutes to see if there was something in there, and then, we returned the same way we came (the horrendous highway, man, the Sublimation, Sphilia and Harmonious hymns were perfectly fitting for it), and we didn't have time to check the town more, because my dad didn't like the idea of going up that horrible road in the night (And who would like that?)
Fun fact: Piñango's graveyard is just in the town's entrance, and it's said that it's there because it's awaiting for reckless drivers.
We made it back to Pico El Águila about 6:30 pm, since we were stuck in the traffic because some idiots parked very badly their vehicles to go to touch the snow.
We returned to the town of Santo Domingo at about 7:00 pm, and we went directly to sleep because the journey tired us totally.
Day 3:
We woke up at around 11:30 am, and this time, we didn't go anywhere because my dad committed himself to making BBQ and pizza. We went only to the trout breeding centre that was near the inn, because my little sister wanted to feed the trouts. I kept pestering her with the thing that the last time we came, she put her hand too much near the trouts while feeding them, and they bited her. A hour later, we returned to the inn and my dad began to make the food. And what I did while the food was being done?
Finish up my final Ar Tonelico playthrough (I took my PS2 with me), and continue advancing in Mana Khemia. Hearing Harmonious and Phantasmagoria in there was a real experiencia (Of course, I think that it was only myself, because I wanted that moment to arrive, in my favorite place and finishing mi favorite game for the last time). In Mana Khemia I could only arrive to the end of Chapter 5, but the pizza and the BBQ were really worth the wait, because they turned out excellently (though my dad ended making pizza for everyone in the inn's restaurant!)
After eating, we went to sleep, to prepare ourselves for the next day, because that day was going to be our return trip.
Day 4:
We woke up around 9:30 pm. After eating breakfast, we took some photos with our friends from the inn, and we said farewell to each other. We departed at 11:30 am and arrived back to Maracay at 8:00 pm.
And that was all. Unfortunately we couldn't ride the Mérida Cable Car, and neither we could go to the city of Mérida (both because of various problems), but still, the trip was worth everything for this only fact: we could finally touch the snow.
Guest Password: aquagon
¡Espero que disfruten viendo los recuerdos de mi viaje!
I hope you all enjoy looking at the memories of my trip!
[ALBUM REVIEW] 志方あきこー CaTra
Hace 8 años
2 comentarios :
Cool pics! That road sounds like the one I went up Mount Washington on...that is a road I'll never drive again!
Congrats on seeing snow. Maybe I'll send you some when winter gets here, haha!
Hahaha, thanks!
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