Alt tok tast vankrusga quiash ika parye, yst alt tok ualgtes tast enihy sos blog ika...
Was yea ra yorr bexm here, en Was yea wa yorr nha mea BLOG...
Estoy feliz de que hayas venido; y estaré feliz de dejarte entrar a mi blog...
xE rre yorr wLYEnEsE, en xE rre yorr aLYEuYEk mea_Eblog...
I'm happy because you came here, and I'll be happy to let you enter my blog...
iyon ih-rey-n ahih=ef yu-tey-i; soh-ne koh b-l-o-g-ny iyon=nyue-ea;;;
QuelI->{Cls(ih){EX[aw-b]->{Cls(iyon){EXaD[viez]->{koh pins};};}=>{Cls(ih){EX[aw-b]->{Cls(iyon){EXeI[etr]->{koh BLOG};}; }->ExeC->{HW};
VyyTTEE LaSSccbbtt Lleeiiih BLOG Vveeehhtt

A todos, quiero darles la bienvenida a mi humilde blog, el cual está dedicado a mi vida, al animé, a los videojuegos, y especialmente, a EXA_PICO. Aquí podrán ver las traducciones de letras de canciones que he hecho, y en el dado caso que no tenga la traducción que buscan, por favor vayan al foro Ar tonelico: A Reyvateil's Melody, ya que allí están todas las traducciones que podrían necesitar, junto con una gran cantidad de información sobre el mundo de EXA_PICO y sus conlangs.

¡Espero que se la pasen bien leyendo este blog!

Everyone, welcome to my humble blog, dedicated to my life, anime, videogames, and especially, to EXA_PICO. Here you all can see the translations for song lyrics I have done thus far, and if I don't have the translations you're looking for, please go to the Ar tonelico: A Reyvateil's Melody forum, since in both of these there are all of the translations you may need, together with a great quantity of information about EXA_PICO's world and its conlangs.
I hope you all have a good time reading this blog!

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008

Pensamientos respecto a la traducción de ATII/Thoughts in respect to ATII's localization

Francamente, ya decidí que no me seguiré preocupando más por los cambios de nombre, ya que por lo visto NISA no nos quiere poner atención; y me enfocaré nada más en molestarlos para que arreglen los errores de traducción, los cambios a los términos en Hymmnos y las inconsistencias con la traducción de Ar Tonelico I. Sin embargo, hay algo más que quiero dejar en claro:

Que mientras estoy agradecido con todos los fans que han levantado su voz para manifestar apoyo a la causa de que el juego llegue a nuestras costas con el menor número de cambios posibles, estoy decepcionado con otra parte. Por lo visto, la traducción del juego terminó causando la ruptura entre los fans del juego, los cuales ahora están divididos en dos grupos: el grupo que desea que la traducción sea lo más fiel posible al original (entre los cuales estoy yo); y a los que no les importa como llegue el juego, ya que solo quieren jugarlo y no les interesa si llega con la historia arruinada o el juego llega lleno de bugs.

Ya he sufrido varias veces el acoso de los trolls en dos foros y en el blog de un amigo; y por si eso no fuera suficiente, también he tenido que lidiar con que algunos llamaran a mis argumentos "carentes de valor y de razón", a pesar de todas las razones que dí que justificaban perfectamente que deshicieran esos cambios.

Gracias a esa combinación de circunstancias; y a los problemas que tengo en la vida real, tuve que crear un Hymmnos de lo más espantoso para expulsar toda la rabia y odio que estaba acumulando a causa de eso.

Sin embargo, ya estoy mejor con esta situacion, tratando de hacer mis posts lo más educados que me sea posible para justificar porque esos cambios deberían de anularse; y quiero extenderle mi mano a los del bando contrario, para que hagamos una tregua y zanjemos nuestras diferencias, pues aún si tenemos posturas contrarias respecto a la traducción, tenemos algo en común: ambos lados deseamos que el juego llegue a nuestras manos pronto; para poder disfrutarlo después de tanto tiempo de espera e incertidumbre.


Frankly, I have decided that I won't worry anymore with the name changes, since it seems that NISA won't pay attention to us, and I decided that I will focus only in bugging them until they fix the translation errors, the changes to the Hymmnos terms, and the inconsistencies with the localization of Ar Tonelico I. However, there is something else I want to make clear:

That, while I am grateful with all the fans that have raised their voices to manifest their support to the cause of the game coming to our shores with the least number of changes possible, I am disappointed with the other part. It seems that the localization of the game ended causing a cism between the fans of the game, dividing them in two groups: the group that wants a localization as faithful as possible to the original (I am in that group), and the ones that don't care the condition in which the game comes in, since they only want to play it and don't care if it comes with a ruined storyline or if it's filled with bugs.

I have suffered various times from the troll stalking in two forums and in a friend's blog, and as if I didn't had enough, I also had to endure that some people called my arguments "reason and worth lacking", even with all the reasons I gave that justified perfectly the rollback of these changes.

Thanks to that combination of circumstances, and the problems I have in my real life, I had to make an extremely horrible Hymmnos to expel all the rage and hatred I was stockpiling because of that.

However, I am getting better with this situation, trying to make my posts as polite as I can to justify why these changes should be reversed, and I want to extend my hand to the ones of the other side: let's make a truce and put an end to our differences, since, even if we have differing viewpoints in respect to the localization, we have something in common: both sides wish that the game comes to our hands as soon as possible, to enjoy after so much time of waiting and uncertainty.

4 comentarios :

Kari dijo...

It really does remind me of the Sacred Army and the Grand Bell, though I can't say which side is which *doesn't know AT2 that well* And I feel like the people who say they don't care how it comes over would be the ones complaining if it came with spelling errors and horrible voices...

aquagon dijo...

I would kinda want to see their reactions if it ended like that, but I would prefer the game to come as tidy as possible. And for the records, I think we are the Sacred Army:

Sacred Army: The conservative side of Metafalss, who support Frelia and despise Alfman's radical and anti-religious regime.

Grand Bell: Alfman's revolutionary regime, which started after he made the conspiracy to kill the Holy Maiden Asche while she was on Enna. It claims that the Goddess (Frelia) it's only a obstacle to their plans, and they hate the conservatives because they keep siding with her.

Ayulsa dijo...

let's make a truce and put an end to our differences, since, even if we have differing viewpoints in respect to the localization, we have something in common: both sides wish that the game comes to our hands as soon as possible, to enjoy after so much time of waiting and uncertainty.

Wonderful words. Let's recognise what's the same about us, rather than what's different.

An inspiring conclusion to have come to. We are all bound by our love for AT2; let's allow that to unite us in happiness and hope for this game's coming.

aquagon dijo...

A lot of thanks, and now is time to make apparent what is the true meaning behind AT, and its songs.

Presia lusye enclone anw ar ciel...
en briyante echrra tes gral ar ciel...