Bueno, solo puedo decir que lamento mucho no haber podido estar aquí para publicar algo referente a la Navidad, pero estoy de vuelta para comentarles un poco sobre lo que pasó:
1) Salimos de viaje para Florida, EEUU (más específicamente a las ciudades de Miami y Orlando). Sobra decir que estaba muy emocionado, ya que hacía nueve años que no ponía los pies en los Estados Unidos.
2) Estuvimos de compras (y me saqué la lotería porque me pude comprar copias originales de Mana Khemia y Ar Tonelico (este último casi me dio un infarto cuando lo encontré), y algunos accesorios para mi DS, así como dos de las novelas de Fullmetal Alchemist). Desafortunadamente tambien ví el Atelier Iris 3, todos los Final Fantasy para GBA y la colección completa de los Devil May Cry (del 1 al 3, y los tenia pensados como regalos para un amigo), pero no los pude comprar.
3) Visitamos los parques de Animal Kingdom y Epcot Center en el Walt Disney World.
La noche de navidad fue bastante emotiva gracias a algo que tenía preparado, ya que puse a sonar desde mi celular la canción Luce del album Wisteria de Akiko Shikata; y allí todos nos abrazamos, y yo, llorando de felicidad (y por lo emotiva que me resulta esa pequeña melodía) le di gracias a mi familia por haberme traído a mi y a mi hermana hasta allá, y a expresarles la felicidad que tenia por estar con ellos y el amor que les tengo.
Les daré mas detalles sobre el viaje en una entrada posterior.
Del resto solo me queda decir que espero que se unan a mi y a los demás fans de Ar Tonelico en hacer sonar la canción de la unión, EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/., en la noche final de este año, esperando que podamos transmitirle los hermosos deseos que contiene a este mundo.
¡Feliz Navidad (retardada) y Feliz Año Nuevo!
Well, I can only say that I'm very sorry because I couldn't be here to post something about Christmas, but I'm back to say to you all a little about what happened:
1) We parted on a journey to Florida, US (to be more specific, to the cities of Miami and Orlando). I have to say that I was very excited, because I had nine years without setting foot in the United States.
2) We went shopping (and I got the jackpot because I could buy original copies both for Mana Khemia and Ar Tonelico (for the latter I almost died of a heart attack when I found it), and some accesories for the DS, together with two of the Fullmetal Alchemist novels. Unfortunately, I also saw Atelier Iris 3, all the GBA Final Fantasies and the complete Devil May Cry collection (1 to 3, and I had them thought as a present for a friend), but I couldn't buy them.
3) We went to visit the Animal Kingdom and Epcot Center theme parks of the Walt Disney World.
The night of Christmas was very emotive thanks to something I had prepared, since I put to play the song Luce, from Akiko Shikata's Wisteria album, and there we all hugged, and I, crying of happiness (and because of the emotiveness that that little melody has for me), I gave my gratitude to my family for bringing me and my sister to that place, and to express to them the happiness I had for being there with them, and how much I love them.
For the rest, I only have to say that I hope you all can join me and the other fans of Ar Tonelico in making the song of union, EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/., ring in the final night of this year, hoping that we can convey the beautiful wishes that it carries to this world.
Happy (belated) Christmas, and Happy New Year!
[ALBUM REVIEW] 志方あきこー CaTra
Hace 8 años
3 comentarios :
What wonderful sentiments. Sounds like a holiday season you'll look back on for many years to come. And who says videogames and their relatred media can't have an impact on people in the "real world"...? Clearly, this little melody, that you discovered via Ar Tonelico, made a world of difference to your ability to express yourself... So beautiful, to see the worlds of fantasy and reality being able to mingle in meaningful ways that enrich your life.
Really these are some precious memories I'll never forget. And that is other of the wonders that Tsuchiya, Shikata & co. have done: their music is really something that touches the soul, and I'm eternally grateful to them for making this possible. And thanks to you, too, Ayulsa, since you're the one that understands the best how much this means to me.
You're quite welcome, Aquagon. I'm just sharing my thoughts; I'm happy that our appreciations of these things coincide, and that, as such, you can feel understood through my words. It's nice to relate on these levels....
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